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Natural Mineral Water: The Ultimate Guide to Its Health Benefits and Uses

Natural Mineral Water

Natural mineral water is not just a cold beverage to quench one’s thirst but a bottle of  minerals that can work wonders for one’s health. With the rising awareness of the health benefits, many  people are now opting for natural mineral water. Besides, consumers are now paying much attention to the sustainability  in their everyday life. This is where Boxed Aqua comes in, a premium mineral water brand that  offers natural mineral water in recyclable and eco-friendly GableTop cartons, water cartons and  paper bottles, which is convenient and friendly to the environment. The following are the reasons to choose Boxed Aqua as the best mineral water for hydration that is friendly to the environment.

What is Natural Mineral Water?

Natural mineral water sources are surface sources of water which are natural springs or aquifers where the water  is collected with natural minerals such as calcium, magnesium, potassium and bicarbonate. While tap water is  treated, natural mineral water contains these minerals and is thus beneficial to the health. The mineral composition according differs to  the source and this is the reason as to why different natural mineral waters are unique. At Boxed Aqua we guarantee that the natural mineral water that we offer is of the best quality – absolutely  clean and purified, and packaged in recyclable GableTop cartons and paper bottles that help reduce  plastic use. Thus, supporting Boxed Aqua, the consumers will be able to choose the pure mineral  water that will not harm the environment in the same manner.

Health Benefits of Natural Mineral Water

There are many advantages of using natural mineral water and including it in one’s diet can have positive  effects on one’s health. First, it enhances hydration because natural mineral water is better than normal water  since it contains minerals which are useful in the absorption of fluids by the body. Water is essential for  the body and natural mineral water even helps the body to hydrate better due to the minerals that are  contained in it. Adequate hydration boosts energy, enhances skin texture and generally optimizes the body’s  functioning.

Another major advantage of the natural mineral water is the healing power that it has on the digestive system. Most of the natural mineral waters such as Boxed Aqua contains bicarbonates which are used in the treatment of indigestion because they help in neutralizing stomach acid. This is especially recommended for those who have acid reflux or indigestion as it will provide quick relief. It also can also be useful in boosting nutrient absorption and in general the digestive system when taken frequently.

Boxed Aqua is also a great way to consume calcium and magnesium that are important for the development of bones. Drinking mineral water, which is rich in minerals such as Boxed Aqua can help in  improving the bone density and thus prevent osteoporosis. Other benefits of magnesium in natural mineral water include  the regulation of blood pressure and improvement of circulation thus supporting the cardiovascular system. It is also crucial in  the body since it helps in muscle function and in the production of energy.

For those who want to keep their skin young and radiant, natural mineral water can help to hydrate the skin and boost its elasticity. The minerals that are found in Boxed Aqua such as magnesium and zinc can also improve blood circulation, reduce wrinkles and prevent dehydration which is the main cause of skin aging.

Uses of Natural Mineral Water

Although natural mineral water is usually taken as a drink to keep the body hydrated, it has other  uses. It can be applied in cooking to improve the taste and look of food. For instance,  it can be used in soups, sauces and baked foods to give the food a better taste and  make the doughs lighter and fluffier. The minerals in the water can also give a particular  taste to your food, and this makes your food to be more tasty and fresh.

Also, natural mineral water can be utilized in the preparation of beverages such as the traditional  lemonades, iced teas, or smoothies. The minerals present in the water when mixed with fruits or  herbs enhances the taste and provides a healthy touch to your drinks.

There are many uses of natural mineral water that is not only limited to drinking. In the case  of skincare, you can drinking mineral rich Boxed Aqua can act as a natural to help  hydrate the skin and make it smoother. Also, using natural mineral water for watering plants also  helps in enhancing growth and provides better soil condition as plants require minerals in the water.

Sustainable Packaging for a Healthier Planet

In today’s world where people are becoming more and more conscious about the environment, Boxed Aqua has endeavoured to provide natural mineral water that is packaged in eco-friendly GableTop cartons,  water cartons, and paper bottles. These packaging options are meant to assist in reducing the harms that  are caused by the use of the normal plastic bottles. Plastic is known to take hundreds of years to  decompose and is one of the leading causes of plastics pollution hence the need to avoid it as much  as possible. GableTop cartons and paper bottles are made from recyclable materials which are derived  from renewable resources and are 100% recyclable.

Deciding on Boxed Aqua is not only a healthy decision for your body but it also saves the environment from plastic pollution. This means that the packaging used for Boxed Aqua enables you to drink natural mineral water while at the same time addressing the environmental concerns raised by plastic bottles.

Why Choose Boxed Aqua?

Deciding on Boxed Aqua is decision making an effort to be healthier and the world a better  place. We use the natural mineral water that is obtained from high quality springs that are rich in minerals  and that are packaged with sustainability in mind. Through providing water in Gable Top Pak or water  cartons or paper bottles, you can be sure to stay hydrated while at the same time  contributing to the fight against plastic pollution.

Every time you drink Boxed Aqua you are not only satisfying your thirst but also making the world a better place. It is a guarantee to oneself and to the planet that hydration can be a form of impact. Whether you find yourself in the office, at school or just going through the day, our natural mineral water is the ideal eco-friendly way to stay hydrated and be part of the solution.

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